Tell us about your project

Whether to start your agri-food business, improve your profitability, differentiate yourself from the competition, or respond to new consumer trends, there are many reasons for entrepreneurs to innovate. However, one question remains: where to start? It’s often necessary to be accompanied to accelerate the project’s start, to be more efficient, to find financing, and to optimize your time. This is where the CDBQ’s team of experts comes in. During a first meeting, we listen to you about your idea, your project, and your priorities to assess how we can pool our skills, our networks, and our tools to achieve your objectives.

Tell us about your project
Define Your Needs 1

Our team will accompany you throughout your project

Do you need specific support, have a desire to launch a new product, wish to develop a healthier or more stable reformulation, want to improve a process or eco-responsible practices, or require help with industrial scaling? The CDBQ team of experts is there for you!